USA Hardiness Zone 12b

Planting Calendar & Monthly Lists

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Planting List

Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec  

NOTE: No Plantings in hot summer months.

USA Zone 12b

Extreme Minimum Temperate >12.8°C (55°F)

Tropical Wet/Dry Climate

Indicative Towns: Honolulu, Hawaii: San Juan, Puerto Rico

This Zone includes towns a short distance away from the coast of the Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu has a Tropical (Köppen classification 'BSh'), with a mostly dry summer season, due to a rain shadow effect. Winter are warm. Temperatures are very even throughout the year.

Planting Zones 12 and 13 are not found in the continental United States, but are restricted to coastal areas of Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The climate is hot and tropical with warm winters and no frosts. The key is to pick vegetables and herbs that can tolerate extreme heat in summer. The focus is on tropical plants. Almost all vegetables can be grown in Zones 12 by simply planting during cooler months and by using shade and irrigation to reduce the threat of heat damage. Vegetables planted in late summer early will bring a harvest in late June or early July. Plants that are heat and drought tolerant and have a short growing season, suitable for this zone include: Hot peppers
Summer squashes, Bush beans, Eggplant, Tomatoes, Borage, Cilantro, Rosemary, Sage

Towns Include:

Ewa Beach, Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii
Kaneohe, Hawaii
Lahaina, Hawaii
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Disclaimer: The PlantWhatWhen vegetable planting guide is only designed for use as a very general reference for home gardening purposes. It is not to be used for farming, markets or commercial activities of any kind whatsoever. We take absolutely no responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the information provided on this site. We recommend that you consider your local climate, weather patterns and conditions when deciding what and when to plant in your home garden. It's entirely your own decision. Happy Gardening and Best Wishes!