Planting and Growing Guide for Kale (Brassica oleracea sp.)


Kale, is green leafy plant. Kale is good alternative for cabbage varieties. It is juiced for green smoothies. It has become a very popular and versatile vegetable. It comes in a wide variety leaf shapes and colours. The most common variations of kale include curly, purple, and Dinosaur kale. Curly Kale is a favorite. Its dark, thickly ruffled leaves have a peppery tang, though the older leaves can be bitter when eaten raw.

Although mostly as a late summer or Autumn crop it can be grown almost all year round as it is frost hardy. It tends to run to seed in hot weather. Best grown in partial shade out of direct hot sun during the warmer months. The small, tender Kale leaves can be eaten uncooked and added to salads.

Like all Brassicas, Kale grows best in free well-drained and fertile soil. Add well-rotted manure or garden compost to the bed well before planting. Brassicas, such as Kale prefer neutral or slightly alkaline soils (ph 6.5-7.5), and so do some tests before planting and add lime if necessary. Kale prefer firm soils and do not like the sail being disturbed around the roots. Kale can multi-crop. Pick the outer leaves first and then working toward the center. Leave several of the small central leaves attached to the plants to encourage new growth and a new crop after 5-7 days.

Planting Guide

Seed Depth: Grow in the ground or in seed trays, planting out in about 4-6 weeks when soil temperatures are higher. Plant seeds about 5-8 mm (1/4 inch) deep. Plant in rows about 35-45 cm (15 inches) apart. Seeds will germinate in about 6-10 days;

Space between plants: Thin to 20-30 cm (12 inches) apart once the seedlings appear, or when transplanting.

Harvest Time: Harvest after 7-10 weeks, though early leaves can be picked earlier than this. Sow in small batches, early in the seasons, every 1-2 weeks, to provide a continuous long harvest from garden bed to plate.


Planting and Growing Guide for Kale, Kale (Brassica rapa)
Planting and Growing Guide for Kale, Kale (Brassica rapa). Source: Public Domain

Disclaimer: The PlantWhatWhen vegetable planting guide is only designed for use as a very general reference for home gardening purposes. It is not to be used for farming, markets or commercial activities of any kind whatsoever. We take absolutely no responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the information provided on this site. We recommend that you consider your local climate, weather patterns and conditions when deciding what and when to plant in your home garden. It's entirely your own decision. Happy Gardening and Best Wishes!