Sweet potato is a perennial vine that covers the ground and produces large tubers with orange flesh. Sweet potato is a warm-weather crop suited to tropical and sub-tropical regions and to temperate areas with hot summers. Grows best in tropical and subtropical areas where it can be planted year round. Sweet potatoes mature in 3-4 months in warmer climates. Sweet potato can produce good crops in temperate areas, but at least 4-6 months of warm frost-free conditions will be required to produce a good crop, so plant early Spring in these areas.
Sweet potato requires a deep, rich, loose, friable and well-drained soil to allow tubers to develop and to allow adequate drainage in wet weather. To prepare the bed, work the soil down to at least 30 cm (12 inches) and incorporate aged compost or well-rotted manure into the soil. However, avoid nitrogen-rich fertilizers that can produce lush vines, but small and stunted tubers. Sweet potato are best grown from root sprouts, called 'slips' or from cuttings and layering. You can make your own slips in warm weather. Plant a healthy tuber in the ground or in a pot filled with potting mix. Keep it watered and it will start producing shoots which can be used as cutting material. Choose cuttings about 15-20 cm (6 to 8 inches) long. Remove most of the leaves and plant them with the leaves just protruding from the soil. Keep the soil moist and the shoots will form roots and start to grow.
Harvest the tubers after the plants die down and the leaves turn yellow. Work along the vines to reveal their base. Then carefully loosen the soil surrounding each base using a garden fork to expose the tubers. Carefully remove the tubes and dry them in the sun for a few days. After drying, they can be stored in a cool dry place for several months. In warm areas, plants can be left in the ground and harvested as required. In cooler areas with frosts, harvest the Sweet Potatoes before winter.
Seed Depth: Plant pieces of tuber that are shooting, root slips or cuttings into warm soils
Space between plants: Allow about 40-60 cm (15-24 inches) between plants, with a 60 cm (24 inch) space between rows
Harvest Time: Harvest in 15-17 weeks. However you can harvest small sweet potato from the growing plants by carefully digging them up.