Planting and Growing Guide for the Borage (Borago officinalis) herb and flowers, also known as Bugloss or Burrage
Borage herb is an ancient annual plant that is native to the Middle East and has a reputation as inspiring bravery and courage. Borage is grown for its leaves that taste like cucumber. It can be used in salads or for making a delightful tea. The blue flowers are edible and can be used for decorating salads. All parts of the plant, apart from the roots have culinary or medicinal uses. It grows quickly as an annual but will self-seed and become permanently established in your garden. It does best in a sunny position with well drained fertile soil covered with organic compost.
Planting Guide
Seed Depth:
Sow seed directly in the garden during the warmer months at a depth about 8 mm (1/2 inch). Re-seeds once established
Space between plants:
15-20 cm (9 inches), once established
Harvest Time:
Harvest in about 8-10 weeks. Leaves can be continuously picked while waiting for the flowers
Keep well watered
Prefers well fertile drained soil
Feed regularly in Spring and Early Summer to promote vigorous growth
Dies down in winter, but pops up again in Spring, when the seeds from the previous year germinate.
Borage plants with blue flowers that are edible. Source: Public Domain
Disclaimer: The PlantWhatWhen vegetable planting guide is only designed for use as a very general reference for home gardening purposes. It is not to be used for farming, markets or commercial activities of any kind whatsoever. We take absolutely no responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the information provided on this site.
We recommend that you consider your local climate, weather patterns and conditions when deciding what and when to plant in your home garden. It's entirely your own decision. Happy Gardening and Best Wishes!